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ES Chatroom Performance Statistics

Fari Hamzei trades both S&P-500 (#ES_F) and NASDAQ-100 Stocks Index Futures (#NQ_F) via two dedicated Go2Meeting Chatrooms with LIVE OTF+ Charts displaying best-of-the-breed HAPI Expert Indicators.

Mark Esposito has been actively involved in the options industry in many capacities since 1978. Beginning as a clerk, he transitioned to a Market Maker Trader at the CBOE in 1981 where he traded MRK, FLR, RJN and much more until 2006. He served as the Vice Chairman for both Systems & Equity Floor Procedures for 6 years, was a major volunteer contributor for the development of the CBOE Hybrid Trading System, trained 20+ clerks for their respective trading careers, and experienced many major market events including the 1987 crash, 2000 tech crash, and Sept 11, 2001.

From 2006 - 2015 Mark served as the Managing Director of Business Development at OneChicago, the Single Stock Futures Exchange originally owned by CBOE, CBOT, and CME and restructured into ownership of CME, CBOE, and Interactive Brokers. From 2016 - 2022, Mark was a trader for Katz Biotech Fund & Cory Trading LLC, and now actively trades ES & NQ Futures electronically at CME.

Mark's mission here is to help you understand how professional futures traders navigate our tumultuous markets. He will be using HA’s coveted OTF+ Technology with live microphone and mouse. This should help add strong acumen to those who follow him in the ES Chatroom with a high probability trades.

See #ES_F Chatroom performance here

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    Hamzei Analytics, LLC, its owners, employees, agents, representatives, board members ("Hamzei Analytics") do not give individualized market advice thru the High Frequency Trading on Twitter Service. Due to the exclusive nature of our subscription service, your subscription fee is non-refundable. We publish information regarding trading suggestions in which we believe our readers may be interested and our reports reflect our sincere opinions. However, they are not intended to be personalized recommendations to buy, hold, or sell securities. Investments in the securities markets, and especially in options, are speculative and involve substantial risk. Only you can determine what level of risk is appropriate for you. We strongly advise you to consult with your broker, or, with your R.I.A. before acting on any of the trade suggestions issued thru the High Frequency Trading on Twitter Service. Prior to buying or selling an option, an investor must have a copy of Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. You can access and download the booklet on The Options Clearing Corporations' (OCC) website at This link reference is provided as a courtesy and does not imply that the OCC is endorsing Hamzei Analytics or its products. This booklet is also available for free from your broker or from any of the U.S. options exchanges. We encourage our readers to invest carefully and to utilize the information available at the web sites of the Securities and Exchange Commission at and the National Association of Securities Dealers at You can review public companies' filings at the SEC's EDGAR page. The NASD has published information on how to invest carefully at its web site. We encourage you to get personal advice from your professional investment advisor and to make independent investigations before acting on information that we publish. Most of our information is derived directly from information published by the companies on which we report and/or from other sources we believe are reliable, without our independent verification. Therefore, we cannot assure you that the information is accurate or complete. We do not, in any way, warrant or guarantee the success of any action which you take in reliance on our statements. Hamzei Analytics will limit the number of Subscribers allowed in any one trading service in order to reduce the risk that too many traders will attempt identical trades and influence the market by causing the purchase of an excessive number of contracts. Our personnel may own positions in the equities mentioned in our reports. However, all employees are prohibited from any transaction that directly or indirectly competes with the interests of our subscribers. We are not compensated in any way for publishing information about companies mentioned in our reports.

    Performance figures are based on actual recommendations made by Hamzei Analytics' Options Strategists. Due to the time critical nature of stock, options, brokerage fees, and the activity of other Subscribers, Hamzei Analytics cannot guarantee that Subscribers will mirror the exact performance stated on our track records or promotions. Performance numbers shown are based on trades Subscribers could enter based on our tracking guidelines. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance.

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