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To read the TRANSCRIPT of a session (in PDF), click on the speaker's first name below.   Click here if you don't have Acrobat Reader
2007-08-02 Adrienne Toghraie Adrienne analyzed our trading behavior and gave us pointers on positive and negative traits of highly successful traders.
2007-07-12 Ashraf Laidi This is FOREX at its best.     Ashraf gave us one of the best current economic analysis we have ever had in our chatroom.
2007-06-12 Price Headley We were indeed honored to present to you the ultimate options newsletter writer and trader.     Price is in a league all by himself.
2007-05-10 Jason Roney Jason discussed how he discretionary trades equity index futures.
2007-04-10 Brian Shannon Brian is one of the sharpest new generation of traders we have ran across. The transcript of his chat will be posted in the next week.
2007-03-15 Fil Zucchi Fil is founder and manager of Zebra Investment Advisors LLC, a VA RIA and Zebra Fund, LLC.   Fil talked about Real Estate and certain small caps (techs).
2007-02-15 Steve Todd Steve discussed the cutting-edge market timing techniques he employs that has earned him the coveted title of Number ONE Market Timer by Timer Digest for the last ten (10) years.
2007-01-25 James DiGeorgia James is an avid Oil and Precious Metals investor...
2006-10-16 Clyde Harrison Clyde ran Rogers International Raw Materials Fund, L.P. His is an icon among commodity superfund managers.
2006-09-21 Jeff Spotts Jeff discussed his unique style of technical and fundamental analysis for picking winners.
2006-08-31 Robert Prechter Bob spoke about DJIA, SPX, Gold and the Dollar from his unique vantage point.
2006-07-27 Dave Miller Dave spoke about smart biotech investing.
2006-05-15 Peter Stolcers Pete spoke about how he picks his stocks and options trades.
2006-04-18 Kevin Tuttle
Greg Collins
Kevin and Greg discussed the 100-year Dow Chart and outline their long term technical landscape.
2006-03-16 Alex Jacobson Alex discussed a number of fascinating issues related to options volatility.
2006-02-23 Jason Goepfert Jason discussed market sentiment for a number of markets using his proprietary indicators.
2006-01-31 Larry McMillan Larry spoke about his take on the message of the options markets.
2006-01-10 Jim Bittman Jim is the Director of Program Development at CBOE.   He analyzed various options strategies.
2005-12-14 Dennis Leontyev Dennis spoke about Pairs Trading using Options.
2005-12-06 Tom Busby Tom spoke about DTI's Stock Box trading methodology.
2005-11-30 John Bollinger John spoke about Technical Analysis for Stocks.
2005-11-03 Phil Erlanger Phil spoke about Seasonality in the financial markets.
2005-10-18 Larry Williams Larry spoke about his unique method of analyzing the Commitment of Traders Report.
2005-09-29 Frank Barbera Frank spoke about Precious Metals, Crude Oil and Equity Markets.
2005-09-20 Tim Ord Tim spoke about Market Timing using the modified Wyckoff Method.
2005-09-08 Jon Najarian &
Phil Erlanger
Jon and Phil spoke about options trading.
2005-08-31 Jason Goepfert,
Jeff Macke &
Greg Weldon
Jason, Jeff and Greg spoke about Market Sentiment, Retail Sector and Precious Metals.
2005-08-09 Todd Harrison Todd spoke about market structure, risk control and derivatives.
2005-08-05 Brad Sullivan Brad spoke about daytrading stock index futures.
Disclosure: Any opinions expressed herein are statements of judgment as of the publishing date and are inherently subject to change without notice. The contents herein do not have regard to the unique investment objectives, financial situation, time horizon or the particular needs of any specific person or entity. Nothing contained herein should be construed an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor does it contain advice or recommendation to purchase, sell or initiate a position (either long or short) in any securities or contracts, including but not limited to equity, fixed-income or derivative securities and any and all option/futures contracts.
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