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According to Timer Digest January 2nd Issue, Fari Hamzei is statistically tied for THIRD place among approximately 150 timers for the last six months.   Click here for more details.

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

1) At the Close of Today, our Dollar-weighted Put/Call Ratios ($wPCR) for Narrow-based Sector ETFs (where very low $wPCR readings are BULLISH and very high $wPCR readings are BEARISH) were:

 ETF  Name Last $wPCR Signal Chart Reference Sigma Channels Position
BBH BioTech Sector HOLDRS 190.42 1.62 NEUTRAL $wPCR Chart just below zero
SMH Semiconductor HOLDRS 33.79 0.67 NEUTRAL $wPCR Chart just below zero
RTH Retail Sector HOLDRS 101.90 1.22 NEUTRAL Chart just above zero
XLF Financial Sector SPDR 36.78 0.50 BULLISH $wPCR Chart just below zero
XLE Energy Sector SPDR 57.72 0.59 BULLISH $wPCR Chart above +1

2) And, our Dollar-weighted Put/Call Ratio Engine picked the following stocks as good LONG candidates due to their BULLISH (very low $w P/C Ratio) reading:

Stock Name Last $wPCR Chart Reference Sigma Channels Position
DUK Duke Energy 19.47 0.16 $wPCR Chart just below +2 sigma
AKS AK Steel Holding 20.87 0.17 $wPCR Chart above +2.5 sigma
BSX Boston Scientific Corp 18.59 0.23 $wPCR Chart at +2 sigma

3) At the Close of Today, our Dollar-weighted Put/Call Ratio ($wPCR) Engine picked the following stocks as good SHORT candidates due to their BEARISH (very high $w P/C Ratio) reading:

Stock Name Last $wPCR Chart Reference Sigma Channels Position
LXK Lexmark International 62.88 23.35 $wPCR Chart at -3
QCOM Qualcomm Inc. 37.17 7.57 $wPCR Chart just above -2
CDWC CDW Corp 63.07 3.32 $wPCR Chart a tad above -3

Please note that dollar-weighted put/call ratio's forward-looking window is from one to three trading days from the signal day (why? in a capsule form, it has to do the pressure the options market makers are under to stay delta neutral while dealing with the 3-day stock settlement rule). Once you are in the trade, you should monitor the up-to-date dollar-weighted put/call ratio reading as confirmation of the trade's direction; or, in case of reversal of the dollar-weighted put/call ratio reading, as an exit signal.

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